About TAD


by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
Let us fix our eyes on
Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...

— Hebrews 12:2a {NIV})

Let me be a silent page,
Free from babble,
Free from rage,
Relinquishing my futile mental powers,
Leaving all power to the Sage.

Faith is Jesus’ poem,
So I must be a blank page for Him,
Not writing in my mental shenanigans
To supplement His verse.
How can my minute mental minutia
Help the Creator of the universe?
I cannot help;
Who can counsel the Wonderful Counselor?
I can’t offer peace to the Prince of Peace
So He can give it back to me.
I cannot explain God to God.
How can I, the king of disgrace,
Set the terms of God’s unfathomable grace?
He sets the terms.

Who must I be?
I must be a silent page,
Washed pure white by the red blood of Jesus
(The incomprehensible colours of God’s grace),
Washed clean of all my attempts to
Write my own life and a faith based on my own understanding.

Paper can’t complain to the Author
For what He writes on it.
Neither can I influence the Poem of Faith
Jesus is writing on my white surface which He purified.
He erased all my futile imaginings from the page;
And on the clean sheet, the page of my life,
The Sage of Sages
Writes a poem in progress.
He has His eraser handy
And will remove any other attempts of mine
To alter His poem.

Jesus is the Poet.
I am but one of His poems in progress.
You may be His poem too,
But we each must be His silent page.
He’s the Author and Perfecter of our faith;
It’s His pen;
And we are His paper.


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