My latest Moon shot, the night of September 12, 2024. — JTK.CA |
© Jonathan Tad Ketchen = my NUDE work = my Nude & General sampler = my MeWe group
About TAD
© Jonathan Tad Ketchen = my NUDE work = my Nude & General sampler = my MeWe group
SERENDIPITOUS: I finish eating 2 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese, then look up from my table to see an ad for 2 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese. I guess the Universe is Synchronized. ðððŦ — JTK.CA |
“FIERY CRESCENT” by JTK.CA ::: This was the crescent moon after sunset on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
“FIERY CRESCENT” by JTK.CA ::: This was the crescent moon after sunset on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. |
JTK.CA ::: The Human Skin Is Not A Sin. I am a Nude Male Photo Model and SuperZoom Lunar Photographer. UNCENSORED at
JTK.CA The Human Skin Is Not A Sin. I am a Nude Male Photo Model and SuperZoom Lunar Photographer. UNCENSORED at |
Wonders of Technology? I say, "Blunders of Technology!" -- JTK.CA
I just had fun reading Luke 24
the final chapter of that Gospel. It's actually kind of comical when you pay attention. In verse 31, Jesus is with some followers, and "Poof!" -- he disappears. Later on, in a different place (verses 36-37), Jesus' disciples are gathered, and "Poof!" -- he appears, scaring them silly! Finally, in verse 51 (Ã la Area 51), while Jesus is speaking to them, he flies away!
Clearly, through his resurrection, his human body got a major upgrade! And he "is" still human, as he says in the chapter that he still has "flesh and bones." I really think this is amazing that all those who believe in him will be resurrected into these same upgraded human bodies. We truly will "mount up on wings 'like' eagles"! We won't "be" eagles, we'll still be human. But, "like" eagles, we'll be able to fly.
I float through the air all the time in my dreams. It's wild to know, someday, because Christ loved me and gave himself for me, I'll be meeting him "in the air" without the need of any kind of vehicle other than my own, imperishable, upgraded, flying/appearing/disappearing/amazing upgraded human body.
TAD is JTK.CA NudistPoet
JTK.CA = Tad's Pen Name & "MAIN" Blog = Tad's "My Blogs" Listing (Art, Poems, Photos, Stories, etc.) = Tad's HQ, Bio, Nudist Christian Beliefs, and "Clothing Optional" Digital Stage = Tad's "NAKED" Universe
Copyright © Jonathan Tad Ketchen (JTK.CA)
(Written Feb. 1, 2000)
I’ve moved to my Grandma’s.
My life is in storage.
I’d like Frosted Flakes,
But I’m stuck eating porridge.
My computer is locked up
And packed in big boxes.
About all I have here
Are my shoes and my soxes.
I’m used to typesetting,
But I’m back to typewriter
And Liquid Paper on paper
As a poet and writer.
Awaiting my big break
In graphic design,
I type my way
To the end of the line.
But even though
My computer’s not on,
You can still view my website,
© http://JTK.CA
Tad “JTK.CA” NudistPoet
© Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
“LUMINESHADEPHOBIA” ::: ::: Copyright © Jonathan Tad Ketchen (JTK.CA)
Lumineshadephobia is a word I invented to describe my phobia of lighting fixtures or lighting covers falling on my head. Some of the lighting fixtures in my apartment unit have their covers in storage somewhere because, once I changed the bulbs, I refused to put the covers back on. The reason is that Dad and I (and sometimes Mom) cleaned houses together for a living from 1996 to 1998, and I had a couple of scary encounters. We were cleaning a house one day, and I heard a big thud, so I went upstairs, and on the landing of the top of the stairs lay the huge, heavy light cover from the ceiling light. I realized that if I had been under it at the time, it falling could have knocked me out or killed me — I say “killed” because the light cover had a pointy, decorative spike at the base. If I had been dead-centre, under the light, I’d be dead, with a very stylish half-globe light cover drilled into the top of my skull.
The second lighting incident was at another house, in which a chandelier was hanging above the staircase, and while we were cleaning, I heard a crash! I went to find half of the chandelier lying in pieces in the middle of the staircase. There would have been even more chance of me being under it at the time of this crash, since I obsessively vacuum each step of a staircase. Fortunately, I wasn’t vacuuming the stairs at the time.
So, that’s why my ceiling lights are bare bulbs; and you thought it was because I’m a nudist. The bare bulbs may look boring, but I don’t want any light covers falling on my head. There are still a couple of light covers on the ceiling, but that’s because I’ve never changed the long-dead bulb in one of my kitchen lights, and I don’t think the light cover inside my entrance is removable. Whenever I do get around to actually changing that kitchen bulb, that light cover will go into storage with the three other light covers, huddled together, feeling lonely and rejected in a dark closet. And like in my favourite IKEA commercial, “You may feel sorry for these light covers. That is because you’re crazy. They have no feelings.”
I’ve always said,
“I should.
I should.
I should.”
You said,
“So, tell me what you’ve done.”
I said,
“Absolutely nothing.”
I’ve always said,
“I will.
I will.
I will.”
You asked,
“So, have you done it?”
I answered,
I’ve always said,
“I’ll go.
I’ll go.
I’ll go.”
You asked,
“Where have you been?”
I said,
“A place called ‘Tomorrow.’”
You asked me,
“Why do you fear what’s in the world?
No one can stop you!
No one can stop you!
Nothing can stop you!”
I asked you,
You said,
“Because you’re not moving.”
Lucifer was blameless and perfect until he looked into the mirror, saw he was God’s most beautiful creature, and then plotted to rule the universe with his beauty. His mutiny against God was the first mistake in the history of the universe. You see, Lucifer was chasing the wrong crown, a golden crown encrusted with diamonds, a fitting tribute to his beauty. Unfortunately, what he did not realize was that the only crown that could ever rule the universe was a crown of thorns.
I was inspired to write this by Ezekiel 28:11-19 (KJV), in which God’s prophecy against the king of Tyrus is clearly a metaphorical description of Lucifer.
© Tad (http://JTK.CA) NudistPoet ( a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen &
Guelph (pronounced “Gwelf”), Ontario, Canada, eh?
Even I (as an exhibitionist) went through phases, back and forth. I started the nude self-portraiture ( in university photography class and a campus art show in early 1994, establishing my naked reputation. I graduated at the end of 1995. However, around the end of 1997, I went through a period of intense spiritual warfare, in which I gave up my exhibitionist ways. I was still personally a nudist, but I did my best to erase any of my previously published nude work (which, of course, is impossible in the age of the internet). But I did throw away all my nude photographic prints and negatives.
by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
I’ve been living in
This hall of mirrors
To see what I could see
And I was so convinced
This might be true
But You have strangely
Slipped from view
And I see myself surrounded
By these twisted bloated images
Of me that I’ve been worshipping
I’ve been living in
This hall of mirrors
But now I leave
This reflective sham
And return to the
Only true “I Am”
So much we see
Is shown untrue
When the Unseen
Comes into view
The next five years of non-exhibitionism came to an end in 2002 when I found a few of my nude selfies that had survived the previous purge. Finally, God and I came to an understanding, and my calling to show THE HUMAN SKIN IS NOT A SIN — that calling was resurrected. Haha. Yes, I know you’re thinking, “rez-erected.”
It was all worthwhile and made for some great poetry, including the three poems below which form a triptych.
by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
(“The Mystery of God," “The Rubber Room," and “Silent Page")
These three poems were written during an intense period of spiritual warfare in my life. “SILENT PAGE,” the last poem in this triptych, was written on January 1, 1998. It’s the best New Year’s Resolution I’ve ever made.
by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
The mystery of God is great!
Who can comprehend
The distance from Earth to the Sun;
The space between the stars;
The billions of galaxies —
Blazing, spinning pinwheels of His providence?
I am brought to silence,
Not able to comprehend
The eternal depth of my unworthiness,
The fathomless weakness of my mind,
The infinite evil in my heart
Which longs to let the Holy Spirit go,
Though He’s the seal of my salvation
My puny mind can’t break.
For Christ has chosen me
And the Holy Spirit makes me shake,
When I take my eyes off Jesus
So I can contemplate
The academics of it all
And end up lost within.
It’s all beyond my grasp.
I am but a grain of sand
On an endless seashore,
Longing just to love this infinite, eternal, glorious God
One iota more,
On this long and narrow path
To my Redeemer’s Home.
by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
Lord Jesus,
I thank you that
When reality can’t make it through
The walls of my brain
And I’m lost in paranoid
Psychological pain,
You haven’t changed.
No matter what comes,
You will be faithful to me.
Even if I’m in a rubber room,
You’ll share the room with me.
Fear is my enemy;
Doubt makes me sick inside;
Fighting the battle with tools of my own
And my back to Your throne
Explains my losing streak.
Bring me back to the bunker
And refit me with Your armour of faith
So I can fight for You again
And win with Your power.
Even in the rubber room,
You are there with me.
Your love is the most patient
I will ever see.
Yet I hear Your voice thunder,
And a godly fear of You fills me,
As you belt out your order,
“On your knees, soldier!
On your knees, soldier!”
by Tad ( JTK.CA ) @NudistPoet a.k.a. Jonathan Tad Ketchen
Copyright © JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (http://JTK.CA)
(“Let us fix our eyes on
Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...”
— Hebrews 12:2a {NIV})
Let me be a silent page,
Free from babble,
Free from rage,
Relinquishing my futile mental powers,
Leaving all power to the Sage.
Faith is Jesus’ poem,
So I must be a blank page for Him,
Not writing in my mental shenanigans
To supplement His verse.
How can my minute mental minutia
Help the Creator of the universe?
I cannot help;
Who can counsel the Wonderful Counselor?
I can’t offer peace to the Prince of Peace
So He can give it back to me.
I cannot explain God to God.
How can I, the king of disgrace,
Set the terms of God’s unfathomable grace?
He sets the terms.
Who must I be?
I must be a silent page,
Washed pure white by the red blood of Jesus
(The incomprehensible colours of God’s grace),
Washed clean of all my attempts to
Write my own life and a faith based on my own understanding.
Paper can’t complain to the Author
For what He writes on it.
Neither can I influence the Poem of Faith
Jesus is writing on my white surface which He purified.
He erased all my futile imaginings from the page;
And on the clean sheet, the page of my life,
The Sage of Sages
Writes a poem in progress.
He has His eraser handy
And will remove any other attempts of mine
To alter His poem.
Jesus is the Poet.
I am but one of His poems in progress.
You may be His poem too,
But we each must be His silent page.
He’s the Author and Perfecter of our faith;
It’s His pen;
And we are His paper.