
“The Rebellious Rable-rouser” by JTK.CA

The Rebellious Rable-rouser

My inspiration for this comes from an interesting conglomeration — Alan Keyes, C.S. Lewis, and what turned out to be a very beneficial spiritual and theological symposium at a meeting with some fellow nudist friends in my living room.

Tad (JTK.CA) NudistPoet (NudeCreations.com)

Words jumble to form thoughts.
Phrases dance between the debris
Of lost time and changed plans.

The focal point of history —
A babe in a manger,
Born to die
So he could rise . . .
Not to bring us a new religion,
But to bring us new life,
Reuniting us with God;
Hear the angels applaud.

Watch the ruckus
As the rebellious rabble-rouser
Overturns the money-changers’ tables,
Overturning our dependence on ourselves,
Our resources,
Our ingenuity —
When our Creator stands before us,
Longing for an embrace, but receiving a cross.

He claims to be the way, the truth, the life,
And the only way to the Father;
This rebellious rabble-rouser
Is the only one.
You must either say,
“He’s the Son of God,”
“He’s a fraud.”

Lauding him with honours
As a great philosopher
Who sought the truth
Just won’t do,
When he came to show us
He “is” the truth.
Our seeking ends in finding him.

So simple that children can understand,
While the most brilliant academics
Get lost in the calculations between faith and reason.

Jesus Christ is not a formula,
Not an apparition,
And not a tradition.
He’s the Son of God
Who became Son of Man —
From Creator to becoming his own creation —
To bridge the gaps between
Faith and reason,
Man and God,
Hell and Heaven.

God’s only fury is for
A salvation scorned.

Come to Christ;
It’s why he came.

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